Monday, August 3, 2009

Geyser Puzzles

Final Project Plan No. 2

Goal: Create a water cycle program that incorporates Web-based and hands-on activities.

Program One: Water Cycle, grades 2-3, science inquiry

Plan: Merge How Water Got Me to School screencasting story, VoiceThread water cycle explanation, data-gathering virtual tour, classroom experiment and hands-on engagement activity into one fluid unit.

Action Items:

  • Write Geyser Puzzles lesson. Done.
  • Create How Water Got Me to School screencast. Done.
  • Develop water cycle VoiceThread. Finished lecture, but only started VoiceThread.
  • Design a virtual data-gathering tour. Completed PowerPoint. Need to move to Slideshare.
  • Create an in-classroom water experiment. Done.
  • Design Geyser Puzzles. Construction and design concept complete. Need to pick photos and create puzzles.
  • Put all pieces together.

1 comment:

  1. Really like this one. Nice integration of tools we learned. Would love to check out the products.
    I really love the voice threads. Will you have students participate with them in class or from home? Your geyser puzzles sound interesting. I think your students will really enjoy this unit
