Goal: Create a water cycle program that incorporates Web-based and hands-on activities.
Program One: Water Cycle, grades 2-3, science inquiry
Plan: Merge How Water Got Me to School screencasting story, VoiceThread water cycle explanation, data-gathering virtual tour, classroom experiment and hands-on engagement activity into one fluid unit.
Action Items:
- Write Geyser Puzzles lesson. Done.
- Create How Water Got Me to School screencast. Done.
- Develop water cycle VoiceThread. Finished lecture, but only started VoiceThread.
- Design a virtual data-gathering tour. Completed PowerPoint. Need to move to Slideshare.
- Create an in-classroom water experiment. Done.
- Design Geyser Puzzles. Construction and design concept complete. Need to pick photos and create puzzles.
- Put all pieces together.
Really like this one. Nice integration of tools we learned. Would love to check out the products.
ReplyDeleteI really love the voice threads. Will you have students participate with them in class or from home? Your geyser puzzles sound interesting. I think your students will really enjoy this unit